social innovation
Experience Institute
A self-directed graduate study program where I completed 3 90-day apprenticeships focused on the intersection of business, ecology, and community. Our core curriculum centered around self awareness, storytelling, operations, design thinking, and community building.
I joined the founding class of the Experience Institute and designed my own graduate degree. Instead of choosing a major, I picked a question- How might we redesign society to be more whole? I focused my learning journey at the intersection of business, ecology, and community.
I completed 3 90-day apprenticeships all over the world and and would come back to Chicago in between to reconnect with my fellow founding class. As a cohort, we were guided through workshops, interactive trainings, site visits and real life projects focused on: self awareness, storytelling, community building, operations, and human-centered design. I learned about how important structure is when navigating through chaos, I discovered some specific answers and techniques that could be used to make a more wholesome world, but most importantly I found the courage to get out there and start building a whole new world.
I completed projects in Australia, Philippines, and Chicago during that year.
You can see a few posts from my learning journey here.
Below is a video chronicling the entire year.