What a beautiful way to turn something irrelevant into something worthy of applause unconsumption: 65,000 “retired” CDs upcycled into art: Set along the landscape of Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, Monro recently completed a solo show in which he...

T shirts made from trash! This is awesome, one man’s trash really is another’s treasure. unconsumption: Colombia-based Vapor Apparel is due to launch a new 100% recycled fabric at the EcoPrint show in Berlin this week. The company, a leader in sustainable...
Fresh Canned Air For Sale!

Fresh Canned Air For Sale!

                               I came across an article talking about a Chinese billionaire that is selling a line of canned fresh air. This reminds me of the supposedly fantastical plot outlined in the story of The Lorax by Dr. Seuss where one man gets all his wealth...

Why do you buy things?  energyawakening: Bathroom graffiti gem in nyc. Most of us know there are more important things in life than material possessions, but our culture doesn’t put much emphasis on that as we are bombarded with advertisements that prey upon our...