Mar 18, 2014 | Learning, Musings
The Earth Village Project is a regenerative rehabilitation response to Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines. In collaboration with the community of Batug, we have built a Windship, planted a community garden, helped a family build a mud house and set up base camp....
Mar 18, 2014 | Learning, Musings
The Earth Village Project is focused on regenerative rehabilitation; we’ve taken the word relief out of our vocabulary. There are no beneficiaries; we work collaboratively with the community, learning together. It comes back to the age-old adage of “If you give a man...
Mar 17, 2014 | Learning, Musings
Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) was off the scale. A category six storm that devastated the Philippines, it was the strongest storm to wreak havoc on land in the history of humanity. I have been working with the Earth Village Project since January in the Barangay (village)...