Permaculture Design Course Day 8 : Climate Types

Permaculture Design Course Day 8 : Climate Types

We’re in the home stretch now and transitioning into the practical permaculture project. There’s been so much knowledge shared during the last eight days and even more things that warrant further research after the course. Each of the topics covered in the course...
Permaculture Design Course Day 7 : Soils

Permaculture Design Course Day 7 : Soils

I’ve said before that soil is the foundation of everything and I’m going to say it again. Soil is the foundation of everything, it’s where everything starts and where everything ends up, even us. Soil is the ultimate product of a good design and the creation of new...
Permaculture Design Course: Day 6 Water & Earthworks

Permaculture Design Course: Day 6 Water & Earthworks

Water is the elixir of life. I’ve always felt a very natural draw to water, despite being scared of putting my head below the surface and my inability to hit a stroke. There’s something very ominous about the power of bodies of water. One time I took a 200km canoe...
Permaculture Design Course Day 5 : Trees

Permaculture Design Course Day 5 : Trees

We’re half way through now with the permaculture course at Zaytuna Farm and still drinking from the fire hose. The main takeaway from today was that trees are the shit. I’ve always felt very connected to trees since I was a kid. I love climbing up trees and seeing how...
Permaculture Design Course Day 4 : Climatic Factors

Permaculture Design Course Day 4 : Climatic Factors

Today was really good. I felt so engaged and took more than six pages of notes. Most inspiring, I learned about a guy that is growing citrus trees in the Austrian Alps! Keep reading to find out more 🙂 Drinking from the fire hose is becoming more manageable. The more I...