Mar 31, 2015 | Experience Institute
Before joining Experience Institute (Ei), I was already sold on experiential learning. I’d been a nerd in my younger years – always studying books and seeking answers to my many musings – but, learning how to be a better human didn’t happen through studying books, it...
May 30, 2014 | Experience Institute, Learning
Two experiences down, we’re in the home stretch now of this learning journey year, but its really just the beginning. In the last meetup, there was much action around the idea that reflection is learning. Sure, I’m a founding student of the Experience...
Dec 19, 2013 | Learning, Musings
Teams are the glue that bind everything together in our world. There’s lots of frameworks and models freely accessible about different functional pieces of a venture like finance, business model, sales, marketing, community building, social media, organic farming,...
Sep 24, 2013 | Learning, Musings
I’m starting a school. I decided to accept my offer to join the founding class of the Experience Institute. It’s a new kind of higher education rooted in real-world experiences. Over the course of a year, I will participate in three meetups focused on...