May 11, 2013 | Learning, Musings
The morning began with a craze of last minute preparations for the big seed exchange that has been in preparation for months. It’s going to become an annual event in line with neighborday to help connect the community and as a platform to teach rural farmers about...
Mar 5, 2013 | Learning, Musings
Today was my day off of working on the farm so I spent most of my time working on this blog, catching up on emails and having conversations with people. It has been raining all day today and continues to do so currently and has been unseasonably chilly. I wasn’t...
Mar 4, 2013 | Learning, Musings
Sunday is the day of rest, not on the farm though and certainly not in the tourism world. It was, however, a more relaxed day of work today and everything was moving a little bit slower today. In the morning, I was supposed to go and clean up the cerdero (pig pen) but...