Permaculture Design Course Day 7 : Soils

Permaculture Design Course Day 7 : Soils

I’ve said before that soil is the foundation of everything and I’m going to say it again. Soil is the foundation of everything, it’s where everything starts and where everything ends up, even us. Soil is the ultimate product of a good design and the creation of new...

Permaculture Design Course Day 2 : Methods

Day two has been full of continuing the discussion from setting up the context yesterday and building off this to cover the ethics, principles and methods that inform permaculture design. The most challenging part of this course is that I feel like I’m...
Permaculture Design Course Day 1

Permaculture Design Course Day 1

I’ve began a permaculture design course at the Zaytuna Farm with Rhamis Kent as the instructor. Zaytuna Farm is the personal property of Geoff Lawton, he is one of the world’s foremost experts and authorities on permaculture and this farm is one of the world’s...
Don’t Get Suckered at the Farmers’ Market

Don’t Get Suckered at the Farmers’ Market

Image by Post by Roxanne Webber via Does produce at the farmers’ market really come from a local organic farm, or are the people selling it straight-up lying? That is the question NBC Los Angeles tried to answer in a recent exposé on...