Jul 2, 2012 | buy positively, Musings
When you go to the grocery store and buy a packaged product that says its organic, it makes you feel good right? We’re told organic products are better for our health and our planet’s well-being and all this does have some substance. What lacks in...
Feb 15, 2012 | buy positively, Musings
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvyV_idFAZA?rel=0] Critics of organic food claim that the yields aren’t high enough to feed the whole world. Many people believe that genetically modified food is necessary for survival of the human race. This is simply...
Dec 17, 2011 | buy positively, Musings
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXgKCFqACkw “Badvocacy at its finest: trumpeting a commitment to good food to sell bad food, instead of actually making their food better.” It’s one thing to sell bad food, it’s another to mislead the public into...
Dec 13, 2011 | buy positively, Musings
Sometimes we forget how consolidation is a common cross industry theme. We spend a lot of time talking about this in relation to large food companies, but it’s much bigger than just what we eat. Media or food, let’s become a microphone for real choice,...