Such an amazing and unique experience. It’s not everyday a local cook invites you and your friends into her home to learn the art of making Nicaraguan chocolate. I’m continually astounded by the caliber and strength of women here. One day I was attempting...

Flexible Plans

Change of plans, big surprise. Things are constantly changing, ebbing and flowing. I thought I was going to be working with O Parks and Wildlife Reserve, but after further experiences, I have decided to come work at Project Bona Fide for the next month. I know I will...
Best Bday Present Ever

Best Bday Present Ever

On April 5, 2013 I decided to rent a car because it was the only option in getting Nisha from the airport. There weren’t any more buses/shuttles coming into San Juan from Managua at the time of her flight and I’ve always wanted to really learn to drive...


It was really tough to leave Rancho Margot, but it had to be done. Even though I am traveling and on the road, I felt like I was at home at the Ranch and I wasn’t traveling anymore. Even though I continued to learn new things every day, everything had become so...