Mar 6, 2013 | Learning, Musings
The morning began with clearing away of old pasto (grass) in the goat pen and replenishing it with fresh food. I find it very intriguing that the goats like to urinate and defecate in their food. There’s another tub there for waste, but for one reason or another...
Jan 25, 2013 | buy positively, Musings
When did eating poison become so popular? benfrostisdead: ‘Home Delivery’ acrylic on small fry package. 2013. #benfrost #art #consumerism...
Jan 22, 2013 | buy positively, Musings
The USA is about to treat the world to a mutant salmon which could wipe out native salmon populations and threaten human health. How could this possible be a good idea? Sign the petition from avaaz and let your voice be heard. Let’s put an end to...
Jan 7, 2013 | buy positively, Musings
ecowatchorg: Family Farmers Continue Fight in Landmark Lawsuit Against...