Jan 25, 2013 | buy positively, Musings
When did eating poison become so popular? benfrostisdead: ‘Home Delivery’ acrylic on small fry package. 2013. #benfrost #art #consumerism...
Feb 14, 2012 | buy positively, Musings
Excellent to see. We need more of this from the mega-corporations. Rather than investing heavily in goodwashing marketing & ad campaigns, investing in having a tangible social impact. Fingers crossed, McDonalds holds true to their word and sparks other...
Dec 17, 2011 | buy positively, Musings
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXgKCFqACkw “Badvocacy at its finest: trumpeting a commitment to good food to sell bad food, instead of actually making their food better.” It’s one thing to sell bad food, it’s another to mislead the public into...