Lessons that Keep Learning from Experience Institute

Lessons that Keep Learning from Experience Institute

Before joining Experience Institute (Ei), I was already sold on experiential learning. I’d been a nerd in my younger years – always studying books and seeking answers to my many musings – but, learning how to be a better human didn’t happen through studying books, it...
Travel and Experience is the Mother of all Education

Travel and Experience is the Mother of all Education

I’ve been blessed with a wealth of experience in my life- they’ve taught me everything I remember and helped chisel me into the person I am today. I’m blessed that my parents even let me go chase most of these wild experiences, I guess it got easier...
Risk Taking

Risk Taking

I love taking risks. One might call me a risk-seeker, I have developed a ridiculously high tolerance for uncertainty and the unknown. I love it, this attitude has helped make me a stronger, more resilient person who is constantly practicing fortitude. I feel most...
Ripe Mangoes

Ripe Mangoes

I spent a little less than a month volunteering at Project Bona Fide on the finca in the town of Balgue on Isla de Ometepe in Nicaragua. I was supposed to go home a few months ago in April once my volunteer time in Costa Rica came to an end, but I felt like Nicaragua...

Such an amazing and unique experience. It’s not everyday a local cook invites you and your friends into her home to learn the art of making Nicaraguan chocolate. I’m continually astounded by the caliber and strength of women here. One day I was attempting...