Well done Warby Parker + Vision Spring. Solid example of how the “Buy One, Give One” model can be far greater than a handout. warbyparker: STORIES FROM THE FIELD: Vijaya Laxmi’s shirtmaking business serves as her family’s primary source of income. When her...

Nature Is Bad For The Economy: This Street Art Makes You Question Your Values “The Economy,” a guerrilla art project, wants you to remember that what’s best for the economy might not always be what’s best for human beings. Visit FastCoExist for full story...

What would happen if stores built community into the core of their business strategy? Here’s our guess: A Store That’s Not Just Another Place to Buy Stuff Visit the Patagonia blog for the full story (Source:...
Values > Value

Values > Value

As individuals, we all have a core set of personal values. Our values are exposed to us all throughout life; some values are a product of how we were raised and others are an outcome of life experience. Either way, we all choose to embrace a specific set of beliefs...