U.S. Cyclists Save $4.6 Billion Per Year by Biking Source: TreeHugger While the health benefits of biking are well-documented for both cyclists and the planet, it turns out that the U.S. economy is a bit more in the pink thanks to all that...
“America Washing” Is The New Greenwashing

“America Washing” Is The New Greenwashing

Illustration via MadeInTheUSABrand.com By Tim Devaney via The Washington Times U.S. consumers may be surprised to learn many products bearing the label “Made in America” are largely built outside of the United States. The practice exploits a little-known loophole in...

Nature Is Bad For The Economy: This Street Art Makes You Question Your Values “The Economy,” a guerrilla art project, wants you to remember that what’s best for the economy might not always be what’s best for human beings. Visit FastCoExist for full story...