Mar 19, 2012 | buy positively, Musings
[youtube] 11-year-old Birke Baehr presents his take on a major source of our food — far-away and less-than-picturesque industrial farms. Keeping farms out of sight promotes a rosy, unreal picture of big-box agriculture,...
Mar 16, 2012 | buy positively, Musings
ilovecharts: Organic Vs Conventional
Feb 15, 2012 | buy positively, Musings
[youtube] Critics of organic food claim that the yields aren’t high enough to feed the whole world. Many people believe that genetically modified food is necessary for survival of the human race. This is simply...
Feb 3, 2012 | buy positively, Musings
Ever wonder how some of today’s most inspiring one-for-one’s are also in the business of fashion? Take TOMS, Warby Parker or even Roma Boots – they’re producing extraordinary products and their mission-driven models are resonating with conscious consumers all over the...
Dec 27, 2011 | buy positively, Musings
America needs farmers, not more food industrialists. Looking forward to this discussion. urbanfoodproduction: Join the discussion and have your voice heard at Occupy Food on facebook by clicking the...