Mar 3, 2013 | Learning, Musings
I was relieved of lecheria and have not been shoveling poop or compost the past two days. I’ve spending my days working in la huerta (vegetable garden) and in el jardin (garden). In the huerta, Abilio taught me how to prepare a bed of land so it’s ready...
Mar 1, 2013 | Learning, Musings
Today started out with more shoveling and cleaning of the cow poop. Beto wasn’t here today though so I shoveled and hosed down everything. I finished shoveling everything out and heard the goat’s calling so I figured they were hungry. I went and emptied the old grass...
May 17, 2012 | buy positively, Musings
Nature Is Bad For The Economy: This Street Art Makes You Question Your Values “The Economy,” a guerrilla art project, wants you to remember that what’s best for the economy might not always be what’s best for human beings. Visit FastCoExist for full story...