Nov 1, 2014 | Learning, Musings
This morning I awoke early and laid in bed for some time, meditating, enjoying the state in between being awake and dreaming. High tide at Playa Amarillo was at 8:45am, that’s the best time to surf these particular waves today. I got out of bed at 7:15,...
Feb 28, 2012 | buy positively, Musings
Barcode Escape by Banksy
Feb 22, 2012 | buy positively, Musings
When you make less time for material things, you realize even more so that you can live without them. And when you make more time for the people you love, you realize even more so that you can’t live without...
Feb 21, 2012 | buy positively, Musings
In August 2010, Andrew Hyde gave away nearly everything he owned. When I first read about the self-proclaimed vagabond-minimalist, he owned just 15 things. According to his blog, he currently owns 39 things – evidence of his continued choice to live simply. Since...