“What you may not know is that in many places, solar is now the cheapest form of power you can buy, and that list is growing rapidly.” fastcompany: Brilliant Solar Ads Say Screw The Environment, It’s About Paying...

Green Lessons Our Moms Taught Us

Photo via Shutterstock By Alexis Petru via Earth911 Moms teach their children a variety of lessons as they grow up – from how to tie their shoes to the importance of spending quality time with loved ones. As we get ready to celebrate Mother’s Day this weekend,...

Green Lessons Our Moms Taught Us

Photo via Shutterstock By Alexis Petru via Earth911 Moms teach their children a variety of lessons as they grow up – from how to tie their shoes to the importance of spending quality time with loved ones. As we get ready to celebrate Mother’s Day this weekend,...

The story of manufactured demand: Americans buy more than half a billion bottles of water every week when it already flows from the tap. Via plasticpoison: The Story of Bottled Water. If you look at nothing else, please watch this video. (Source:...