unconsumption: poptech: The Ocean Conservancy, which organizes an annual International Coastal Clean-Up, has published its results in the 2012 Trash Index. You’re not imagining it: as the global population swells, tankers continue to leak oil, and plastic water...

When you make less time for material things, you realize even more so that you can live without them. And when you make more time for the people you love, you realize even more so that you can’t live without...

Can’t feed the world on organic, right? WRONG!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvyV_idFAZA?rel=0] Critics of organic food claim that the yields aren’t high enough to feed the whole world. Many people believe that genetically modified food is necessary for survival of the human race. This is simply...
GMOs for Dummies

GMOs for Dummies

Found this from our friends at FearLess Revolution. If you think the FDA should require the labeling of genetically modified foods, visit justlabelit.org to sign the petition. View full size....
How to: Give a Shit

How to: Give a Shit

This infographic was Rachel Marshall’s illustration that accompanied a FearLess Revolution post on New Year’s Resolutions. Hoping we can inspire ourselves and a few others to embrace these positive ideas.