Tree Grafting

Tree Grafting

I came across The Resiliency Institute’s course on tree grafting via meetup and it was awesome. I had stumbled across the idea of grafting as I was doing research about fruit trees and how to grow them and I wasn’t really sure what it was so it ended up...


The first harvest of the randomly sprouted mulberry tree that started growing on the creek bank because we let nature do it’s thing. #ecology #permaculture (at Darien,...
Ripe Mangoes

Ripe Mangoes

I spent a little less than a month volunteering at Project Bona Fide on the finca in the town of Balgue on Isla de Ometepe in Nicaragua. I was supposed to go home a few months ago in April once my volunteer time in Costa Rica came to an end, but I felt like Nicaragua...
Neighborday Seed Exchange

Neighborday Seed Exchange

The morning began with a craze of last minute preparations for the big seed exchange that has been in preparation for months. It’s going to become an annual event in line with neighborday to help connect the community and as a platform to teach rural farmers about...