Flexible Plans

Change of plans, big surprise. Things are constantly changing, ebbing and flowing. I thought I was going to be working with O Parks and Wildlife Reserve, but after further experiences, I have decided to come work at Project Bona Fide for the next month. I know I will have more opportunity to learn about farming and building a permaculture farm that works here because that is the main focus of this place. It exists to serve as an example and an experiment as to what’s possible. They even teach a permaculture design course here. What really sold me was talking to current volunteers and feeling their positive energy. Being here and learning from everything that’s going on and all of the wonderful people here is what I’m meant to be doing right now. 

I left San Juan Del Sur with Miles and we ventured to Ometepe together. We met a friendly Slovenian on the ferry over and were instantly friends. One day we rented motorcycles and I learned how to drive one en route to this remote waterfall on the island. The dirt road there is full of rocks and steep hills, it was the ultimate place to learn because driving on the road seems so easy now. Even though I was a noob and stalled a few times and was having difficulty starting the bike on an incline, I loved it. I really enjoy this sentiment of being a beginner and accepting the fact that I don’t know. This makes it so much easier to learn new things. 

We spent a few days together and parted ways for each of us to continue on our own journeys. Miles was en route back home to Chicago via Costa Rica, whereas Ana was headed back to her place on the Pacific where she’s volunteering to save turtles. Me, I was just going around the corner of the island to start working at Bona Fide. 

Last night was my first night and it was really nice and quiet, perfect for adjusting. We sleep in open air structures under mosquito nets, poop in composting toilets and shower outside. People really live in nature here and this in itself will be an incredible experience I’m excited for, it’s a completely different way of life that I’ve grown accustomed to, definitely not city life. I felt a little on edge walking around and was startled easily by rustling leaves in the wind. I was a little worried the bugs would get through the net and eat me in my sleep, but I made it through the night and actually had a really peaceful slumber. 

Today I had orientation to the farm which ended up taking much longer than expected because I just had so many questions. Steph and Bennet, the volunteer coordinators, dove right into each of them and we had a great morning as we toured around the finca. This is a really cool place with great people and they do a lot of work with the community. I am excited to learn from all the neat people here over the next month and become part of this community. Even though it may not be part of the original ‘plan’ it’s still awesome. I’ve learned that I discover so much more when I’m flexible and constantly adapting to the situation. It’s going to be great, I’m happy I’m here.