a positive start

We began buy positively with very specific intentions. For starters, we wanted to become a microphone for smarter consumerism. We wanted to become a trusted advocate for conscious brands and consumers.
Our belief is simple – supporting positive brands will profoundly change the world.
And so the story goes – two corporate un-enthusiasts decide there’s something else in the cards for them. They meet in Chicago at a photography panel and start brainstorming ways to build their passion into a movement that resonates with others. We wanted to build something sustainable; something authentic; and something so inspiring that it could profoundly change us, our communities and our world. So what happened next?
What else. We quit our cushy jobs and started building.   
Six weeks later, we’re developing a model that allows consumers to change the world thru routine buying. We know this sounds a little idealistic and ambitious, but for now, we ask that you just open your mind. As we continue to start new fires, interview brands to validate our ideas and humbly embrace the highs and lows that is the spirit of a startup, we’ll be blogging about things we care about – things like unsustainable consumption, goodhearted brands and meaningful ideas.  
Most importantly, thanks for your interest in buy positively – we hope you kick off your shoes and stay a while. We’d love to build something extraordinary. And we’d love even more so to do this together.